
Add a comment August 1, 2009

Positive of CCTV for protect from the schoolviolence.





The role of CCTV in this school context has potential to fulfil roles in acting as a deterrent, proactive detection, collection of evidence, and overall monitoring function. CCTV can also act as a mediator between parent/school and even parent/parent disputes. Having cameras at school gates and access points immediately allows monitoring over thepotential issues that can occur there, as well as identifying vehicles and people coming into the school. Similarly, monitoring entrances to major buildings can pick up suspects potentially involved in theft of items from offices and classrooms such as notebooks, bags and cellphones.
Protection of parking areas and sports grounds can also play a part in reducing petty theft and where there are know syndicates or groups of suspects involved in stealing at other schools, these can be looked for and identified as part of the school’s protection of members and visitors. CCTV surveillance can also monitor for anti-social activities or violations of school rules on the playground, sports fields, or in the general school areas. The after-hours patrol of school grounds, particularly where there are late afternoon or evening activities or boarding houses, can reduce the potential for attacks and theft. Similarly patrols and motion detection alarms can identify trespassers and safeguard against damage to property, while viewing access points can identify issues related to movement in and out of school premises.
Monitoring other security methods is also possible through the CCTV operation and the overall effectiveness of the protection measures can be increased. Indeed, in my experience, CCTV can show up a number of limitations and weak points in the traditional security precautions.

Add a comment July 22, 2009

Do you think it right for Journalists to use hidden camera to cover a story?

Situation of video of  hidden in Korea. (Korean actress)

The hidden camera for just make a joke.

In my opinion, It can be funny thing  for a lot of  people. Actually, that kind of  video has ever been known very well to even the korean situation for a long time already. They’ve made even the real stuation for citizen, not only celebrities. Because, it can make a evoke sympathy very easily.  we can guess that how they will do when they have abnormal spaces and sometimes we can see that celebrities’ real personality or behavior for the sudden happen. But, the other hand, It can be bad position for celebrities because of the popularity. They think about this kind of video is disturbing of their private. When some TV program direction wants make this kind of hidden camera for a joke, then they have to  observe about standard of  a joke.

Add a comment July 22, 2009

Interesting happening about Radio Broadcast (1938)

orsonwelles orsonwelles.

1938-War of the Worlds Radio(show) Program Scare.

The ability to confuse audiences en masse may have first become obvious as a result of one of the most infamous mistakes in history. It happened the day before Halloween, on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to a popular radio program that featured plays directed by, and often starring, Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel “The War of the Worlds,” about a Martian invasion of the earth. But in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that, presumably, was intended to heighten the dramatic effect. As the play unfolded, dance music was interrupted a number of times by fake news bulletins reporting that a “huge flaming object” had dropped on a farm near Grovers Mill, New Jersey.

As members of the audience sat on the edge of their collective seats, actors playing news announcers, officials and other roles one would expect to hear in a news report, described the landing of an invasion force from Mars and the destruction of the United States. The broadcast also contained a number of explanations that it was all a radio play, but if members of the audience missed a brief explanation at the beginning, the next one didn’t arrive until 40 minutes into the program.

At one point in the broadcast, an actor in a studio, playing a newscaster in the field, described the emergence of one of the aliens from its spacecraft.

“Good heavens, something’s wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake,” he said, in an appropriately dramatic tone of voice. “Now it’s another one, and another. They look like tentacles to me. There, I can see the thing’s body. It’s large as a bear and it glistens like wet leather. But that face. It… it’s indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent. The mouth is V-shaped with saliva dripping from its rimless lips that seem to quiver and pulsate… The thing is raising up. The crowd falls back. They’ve seen enough. This is the most extraordinary experience. I can’t find words. I’m pulling this microphone with me as I talk. I’ll have to stop the description until I’ve taken a new position. Hold on, will you please, I’ll be back in a minute.”

As it listened to this simulation of a news broadcast, created with voice acting and sound effects, a portion of the audience concluded that it was hearing an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. People packed the roads, hid in cellars, loaded guns, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens, oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken public that actually belonged in a radio play. Not unlike Stanislaw Lem’s deluded populace, people were stuck in a kind of virtual world in which fiction was confused for fact.

News of the panic quickly generated a national scandal. There were calls, which never went anywhere, for government regulations of broadcasting to ensure that a similar incident wouldn’t happen again. The victims were also subjected to ridicule, a reaction that can commonly be found, today, when people are taken in by simulations. A cartoon in the New York World-Telegram, for example, portrayed a character who confuses the simulations of the entertainment industry with reality. In one box, the character is shown trying to stick his hand into the radio to shake hands with Amos n’ Andy. In another, he reports to a police officer that there is “Black magic!!! There’s a little wooden man-Charlie McCarthy- and he’s actually talking!”

In a prophetic column in the New York Tribune, Dorothy Thompson foresaw that the broadcast revealed the way politicians could use the power of mass communications to create theatrical illusions, to manipulate the public.

As happened with the Orson Welles broadcast, an effort was made to ensure that such manipulations wouldn’t recur.

War of the Worlds (1938 Radio Broadcast)

Add a comment July 21, 2009

Old and Modern of Coca-cola Ads.

Coca-Cola Art Gallery – 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s TV Ads.

Coca-Cola TV Ad 1965

Old Coca-Cola ad: Look for the Real Things (1975)

Beautiful Coca Cola Commercial Full Version

Coca-Cola It’s Mine

Comercial 147: Coca Cola – Library

Add a comment July 21, 2009


Marcia Yockey Evansville Indiana Weather Legend

1955 WLWT-TV Weathercast.

Santa Does the Weather.

Modern weathercaster.

Add a comment July 21, 2009

How is the different TV and Radio between past and present?


SW Radio: 1949 National NC-57 receiver.

Old Time Radio Nework.

Live! saturday’s child old time Radio music show.


TV Broadcast.

The Christmas Broadcast, 1957

(Modern) How a Radio station works.

The TV station in Tbilisi.


The TV Stations in U.S.


TV Pro Gear – System design, Integration, Mobile solutions.


Hawai’i stations will cease analog broadcasting on January 15, 2009, one month before the rest of the country, according to the Hawai`i Association of Broadcasters.

Add a comment July 21, 2009

I like it! ^-^


Bugerking AD.

teeth paste in England

Teeth paste AD in England.

Add a comment July 19, 2009

Popular cultural in society.


Gangster- It is usually expressed about gangsters have some scary tattoos in Korea society.

Add a comment July 18, 2009

How has the Internet changed cultural patterns, business practices, and education?


Cultural patterns- Face book. (Facebook is the famous social network sites that can give you a chance to connect with your friends easily. Today communication is the most important part of our live and Facebook helps people showcase ideas around the world. I think that Facebook is very good and it actually helps me and other people too.)



Cultural patterns- Online shopping. (online shopping is allows people to browse through many items and categories without leaving their house, to compare the prices of as many shops as they want, and also it to order as many items as they can afford without having to worry about how they will transport them, because the online shopping websites also deliver the things to the buyer’s home.)


Cultural patterns- MSN Messenger. (It is the most popular instant messaging service in the whole world. There is a health and fitness page that has cool fitness tips and health stuff, a shopping MSN page where you can know the latest places to shop, there is a shop online service, links to websites of the coolest shops, etc., a news page where you can get the latest info on current events, services, and things like that and it is very easy to use.)


Cutural patterns- Webcam chatting. (I usually doing webcam chatting with family who is especially with my youngest sister. I think that it is really good for so many student studying abroad and I always can feel that I still stay in Korea when I’ve doing it. )



Business practices- Use of Internet enabled Business Practices.



Business practice- Internet Banking. (Last time, we couldn’t even imagine this kind of convenience working  in Internet. It is you can see your accounts at any time that charges have gone through, how much interest you may have earned, and you can view your statement online.)


Business practice- Online Stock Trading. (The internet technology has given another favorable result to the investors. You can check real-time news, market movements are available as and when they happen, without loss of time in transmission, like telephone calls, telex messages, as was the case, before the internet took over all these operations. Now, only you need to take decisions on the trade; everything else will be controlled by the computer.)

Education- Online classes. (Many students who attend these types of classes do not bother to fight traffic if they can just as easily print the slides out and read them at home. In an online course, all class lectures, assignments, tests and instructions are delivered electronically. Students can make there own schedule of when classes start and end moreover control students have over earning a degree.)

Education- Example of the virtual university. (You can see that atmosphere inside the university in detail before your choice for the school.)

Add a comment July 16, 2009






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